
Jeffrey Dahmer AKA Milwaukee, cannibal

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, aka Milwaukee cannibal or Milwaukee monster, was an American serial killer and s... offender who murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Dahmer was born on 21 May 1960. He was the oldest son of Anette and Lionel Dahmer. Some sources say that Dahmer was deprived of love and attention by his parents while others say that he was given a lot of love and attention. When he entered first grade, his dad's university studies kept him away from home a lot of the time. Whenever his dad would be home, his mom who suffered from depression demanded a lot of attention and would spend a lot of time in bed.  She once attempted suicide using a drug called Equanil, which is used for short-term treatment of anxiety and nervousness. So due to this, neither parent devoted much time to their son. Dahmer later recollected, that from an early age he felt unsure about the solidity of the family. Dahmer was a very busy and happy child. That all chan

AWB - Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( Afrikaner weerstands beweging )

On 7 July 1973, a former police officer named Eugene Terre'Blanche called a meeting of a few men in Heidelberg in Transvaal Province ( now Gauteng ) of South Africa. He was disillusioned by what he thought were Prime Minister B.J. Vorster's "liberal views" of racial issues in the White minority country, after a period in which Black majorities had ascended to power in many former colonies. Terre'Blanche was also worried about, what he said, is communist influences in South African societies. He decided to form a group with six other men that shared his views. They named themselves the Afrikaner Weerstand Beweging, AWB ( Africaner resistance movement ). They aimed to promote Afrikaner and Christian nationalism.  Eugene Terre'Blanche was elected head of the group and held the position until he was murdered on his farm in April 2010. During the 1970s and 1980's the group members grew by the 1000s as lots of white South African members joined. In the 1980s the

Jacoba “Bubbles” Schroeder Murder

 Who killed Jacoba 'Bubbles' Schroeder Jacoba ‘Bubbles’ Schroeder was born in Lichtenburg on 8 June 1931.  When she was 4 years old, her mother had to start working. She was left to be cared for by a cousin who lived in Vereeniging until she was 13 years old. For the next four years she lived with her mother in Johannesburg.   In March 1948 Jacoba Schroeder returned to Vereeniging where she started working for a coal agency.   Without relatives' knowledge, Jacoba moved back to Johannesburg only 2 months after that. After her return to Johannesburg Jacoba moved in with fifty-two-year-old Philip Stein who was a bookmaker after they met at a dance in Orange Grove. Stein soon realized that Jacoba sometimes would be a lot more trouble than he anticipated. She had a habit of throwing a tantrum when she could not get her way. Stein said “that she was a young woman with a little loose in her morals. But she was very sweet except when she was drunk. Then she would be unman