Jeffrey Dahmer AKA Milwaukee, cannibal

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, aka Milwaukee cannibal or Milwaukee monster, was an American serial killer and s... offender who murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991.

Dahmer was born on 21 May 1960. He was the oldest son of Anette and Lionel Dahmer. Some sources say that Dahmer was deprived of love and attention by his parents while others say that he was given a lot of love and attention. When he entered first grade, his dad's university studies kept him away from home a lot of the time. Whenever his dad would be home, his mom who suffered from depression demanded a lot of attention and would spend a lot of time in bed.  She once attempted suicide using a drug called Equanil, which is used for short-term treatment of anxiety and nervousness. So due to this, neither parent devoted much time to their son. Dahmer later recollected, that from an early age he felt unsure about the solidity of the family.

Dahmer was a very busy and happy child. That all changed when Dahmer had a double Hernia surgery just before his 4th birthday. After the surgery, he became a very quiet child. At elementary school, Dahmer was described as a quiet and timid child. One teacher said that she detected early signs of abandonment. This was due to Dahmer's father's absence and his mother's illness. This became worse when Dahmer's mother became pregnant with her second child. In elementary school, Dahmer had a small number of friends.

In October of 1966, Dahmer and his family moved to Ohio. Dahmer's mother gave birth in December of that same year and they allowed him to choose his new brother's name. He chose the name, David. In that same year, Dahmer's father got his degree from University and started working as an analytical chemist.

From an early age, Dahmer was interested in dead animals. His fascination with dead animals may have begun when he saw his, father removing the bones of a dead animal from beneath their house when he was only 4 years old. Dahmer's dad said that he liked the sounds the bones made and he became preoccupied with dead animals' bones, Dahmer called them his fiddlesticks. He would sometimes search around the family home for bones and would explore the bodies of live animals to see where their bones were located. 

For the 3rd time in two years, the family moved to Bath township. This was the sixth time the Dahmers moved since they were married. Here Dahmer collected insects such as dragonflies and he also collected the skeletons of small animals such as chipmunks and squirrels.

Two years later when they were having chicken for dinner Dahmer asked his dad what would happen if chicken bones were placed in bleach. His dad thought that it was his son's scientific curiosity and demonstrated how to safely bleach and preserve chicken bones. Dahmer used this technic to preserve his bone collection and began collecting dead animals including roadkill. In 1975 Dahmer decapitated the carcass of a dog before nailing the body to a tree and impaling the head on a stick in the woodlands behind their house. 

In the same year that Dahmer gathers taught him to preserve animal bones, his mother increased her daily consumption of Equanil, laxatives, and sleeping pills, which means that she was even more absent from her family.

Dahmer was a freshman at Revere high school where at the age of 14, he began consuming alcohol during day time. He would hide it inside the jacket he wore to school. When a classmate asked why he was drinking alcohol in class, he replied that it was his medicine. Dahmer was seen by staff as polite and highly intelligent although he had average grades. He was a good tennis player and also played in the school band for a short time.

Dahmer discovered he was gay as soon as he reached puberty. He did however not tell his parents about it. While he was a teen, he had a short relationship with another teenage boy, but they never had intercourse. He later confessed that when he was in his mid-teens he started fantasizing about dominating and controlling a partner. His fantasies evolved to focus more on chests and torsos. 

When Dahmer was 16 he fantasized about rendering a jogger, which he found attractive, unconscious, and making sexual use of his body. One day Dahmer hid in bushes with a baseball bat to wait for the particular man but that day the jogger did not pass there.

On the 18th of June 1978, just 3 weeks after his high school graduation, Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker, named Steven Mark Hicks. Steven was 19 at the time. Dahmer lured Steven to his house on the pretext of drinking. After a few hours of drinking Steven wanted to leave. Dahmer bludgeoned Steven with a 4.5kg dumbell. Dahmer later stated that he struck Steven twice from behind and as soon as he fell unconscious, he strangled him to death with the bar of the dumbell. Dahmer proceeded to strip Stevens's clothes off and explore his chest with his hands. He then masturbated while standing over the body. Hours later he dragged Steven's body to the basement where he dissected the body the following day. He buried the remains in a shallow grave in his backyard, only to later dig up the remains and pared the flesh from the bones, several weeks later. He dissolved the flesh in acid and flashed it down the toilet. He crushed the bones with a sledgehammer and scattered them in the woodlands behind the family's house. 

Six weeks after the murder Dahmer's father returned home with his fiance and discovered that Dahmer was living alone in the house. In August of that year, Dahmer enrolled in University. Although his father paid in advance for the second term, Dahmer dropped out after only three months.

In January 1979, Dahmer enlisted in the United States Army and underwent basic training. He then trained as a medical specialist. On 13 July 1979, he was deployed to West Germany where he served as a combat medic. Due to his alcohol abuse, he was deemed unsuitable for military service and was discharged from the Army.

On the 24th of March, he was sent to Ford Jackson for a debriefing and he was offered a plane ticket to anywhere. He opted to go to Miami because he later told police that he could not face his father after he was discharged. In September of that year, he phoned his father and asked to return to Ohio.

Only 2 weeks after his return to Ohio, Dahmer was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct. He was fined $60 and was given a suspended 10-day jail sentence. In December of 1981, Dahmer was sent to live with his grandmother. 

On the 8th of August 1982, at Wisconsin State Fair Park, Dahmer was observed exposing himself to 25 people, including women and children. He was arrested and convicted. He received a fine of $50 and court costs.

In January of 1985, Dahmer found a job at the Milwaukee Ambrosia Chocolate factory. Shortly after he started at the factory, he was propositioned while reading at the West Allis public library. The stranger threw a note at him offering to perform fellatio upon him. Although Dahmer did not respond to the stranger it stirred the fantasies of domination and control he had before again. He then began to familiarize himself with all the gay bars, gay bathhouses, and bookstores in Milwaukee. 

At the beginning of June 1986, he started to administer sleeping pills to his partners, giving them drinks laced with sedatives. He would wait for them to fall asleep, and would then perform various sexual acts with them. To maintain a supply of pills, Dahmer would tell doctors that he worked nights and needed the pills to adjust to this schedule. After about 12 times this happened, his membership to the bath houses was canceled and he moved to hotel rooms to be able to continue to do what he did.

Shortly after his membership was revoked, Dahmer read about the funeral of an 18-year-old male. He had an idea to steal the fresh remains and take them home. He tried to dig up the coffin but found out that the ground was too hard.

On the 8th of September 1986, Dahmer was arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious behavior for masturbating in the presence of 2, 12-year-old boys. He claimed that he was urinating and was not aware of the boys. The charge was changed to disorderly conduct. 

On the 20th of November 1987, Dahmer encountered a 25-year-old man, named Steven Tuomi at a bar. Dahmer persuaded him to come to the Ambassador Hotel with him. According to Dahmer, he did not intend to kill Tuomi, he only wanted to drug him and lie next to him. But when he woke up that morning, Tuomi was on the bed next to him. Tuomi's "chest was crushed in" and "black and blue" with bruises. Blood was seeping from his mouth and Dahmer's forearm was bruised. Dahmer said that he could not remember killing Tuomi and he could not believe that it happened. To dispose of Tuomi's body, Dahmer bought a large suitcase on which he transported the body to his grandma's house. A week later he severed the head, arms, and legs from the torso. Then he filleted the meat from the body and cut it into small enough pieces to handle. Dahmer placed the meat in plastic bags and put the bones in a sheet before pounding it into splinters with a sledgehammer. He disposed of the remains in the trash but kept the head for another week. After 2 weeks, he boiled the head in a mixture of bleach and Soilax. He used it as a stimulus for masturbation. The skull was eventually rendered brittle and Dahmer pulverized it and disposed of it. 

After Dahmer murdered Tuomi, he began to actively search for victims at or near gay bars. Two months after Tuomi's murder, Dahmer met a 14-year-old Native American Male Prostitute, named James Doxtator. Dahmer drugged him and strangled him to the floor of the cellar in his West Allis residence, after they had sexual encounter. Dahmer left the body for a week in the cellar before dismembering him almost the same way as he did with Tuomi. He placed all, but the skull in the trash. The skull was cleaned and boiled I bleach before Dahmer found that it too was to brittle. 

On the 24 of March 1988, Dahmer met another man outside a gay bar named the Phoenix. He was a 22 year old bisexual man named, Richard Geurrero. Dahmer lured him to his grandmothers house with the incentive of $50 to simply spent the remainder of the evening with him. He drugged Geurrero with sleeping pills and then strangled him with a strap. Dahmer then had oral sex with the corpse. He dismembered the body within 24 hours. He held on to the skull and threw the rest of the remains in the trash. He pulverized the skull several months later.

23 April 1988, Dahmer lured Ronald Flowers Jr to his grandmothers house. After giving Flowers coffee laced with sleeping pills, both Dahmer and Flowers heard his grandmother call, "Is that you Jeff?". Although he tried to answer like he was alone, she saw that he was not alone. So Dahmer was not able to kill Flowers. He instead waited for him to pass out, before taking him to an hospital.

In September of 1988 his grandmother started asking questions about the young men he was bringing home late at night and the foul smells that would sometimes be in the house. He found himself a one bedroom apartment and on the 25th of September he moved into his own apartment.

Two days later Dahmer was arrested for drugging and sexually abusing a 13 year old, who he lured to his apartment on the pretext for posing for nude photos. 

His father hired an attorney, named Gerald Boyle. On Boyle's request, Dahmer underwent a series of physiological test. The evaluation revelead Dahmer harbored deep feelings of alienation. A second evaluation, two months later revealed Dahmer to be an impulsive individual, suspicious of others, and dismay of his accomplishments in life. 

On the 30th of January 1989, Dahmer pleaded guilty to the charges and sentencing was suspended until May. On the 20th of March he moved back to his grandmother.

Two months after his conviction and two months before his sentencing, Dahmer murdered his 5th victim. He was a 24 year old aspiring model named, Anthony Sears. Dahmer lured Sears to his grandmothers house where they engaged in oral sex, before Dahmer drugged and strangled Sears. The following morning Dahmer placed the body in his grandmothers bathtub, where he decapitated the body before attempting to flat the corpse. He stripped the flesh from the body and pulverized the bones before throwing it in the trash. He preserved Sears's head and genitalia in acetone.

On the 23rd of May 1989, Dahmer was sentenced to 5 years probation and one year in the house of correction with a work permit so he will be able to keep his job. He also needed to register as a sex offender. Two months before his scheduled release from the work camp. Dahmer was parroled.

On the 14th of May 1990, Dahmer moved out of his grandmothers house into his own apartment. He took Sears's mummified head and genitalia with him. One week after moving into his own apartment, Dahmer killed his sixth victim, Raymond Smith.

Smith was a 32 year old male prostitute. Inside the apartment, Dahmer gave Smith a drink laced with sleeping pills and manually stangled him. The following day Dahmer bought a poloroid camera with which he took several pictures of Smiths body in suggestive positions before dismembering him in the bathroom. He kept the skull and spray painted it and placed it alongside Sears's skull.

Approximately one week after the murder of Smith Dahmer lured another young man to his apartment. On this occasion Dahmer accidently drank the drug laced drink himself. When he woke he found out that his intended victim stole $300 from him.

In June 1990, Dahmer lured an acquaintance, named Edward Smith to his apartment. He drugged and strangled Smith. This time he did not directly bleach the skull to try and preserve it. Instead he placed it in his freezer for several months.

Less than 3 months after Smiths murder, Dahmer encountered a 22 year old man, named Ernest Miller. Miller agreed to accompany Dahmer to his apartment for $50. When Dahmer attempted to perform oral sex with him, he was informed that it will cost extra. Upon this Dahmer drugged him. Dahmer only had 2 sleeping pills. Therefore he slashed Millers carotid artery with the same knife he used to dissect his victims. 

On 23 September, three weeks after Millers murder, Dahmer lured his next victim to his apartment.  It was a man named, David Thomas. He persuaded him to have few drinks at his apartment. After drugging him, Dahmer did not feel attracted to him, but was afraid to let him wake up, so he strangled him and this time he did not keep any body parts.

In 1991 Dahmer had more killings, the name of the victims in 1991 was, 

Curtis Straughter
Errol Lindsay
Tony Hughes
Konerak Sinthasomphone
Matt Turner
Oliver Lacy
Joseph Bradehoft

All of them was dismembered in the same way as the rest of his victims.

On the 22nd of July 1991, Dahmer lured an man, named Tracy Edwards to his apartment. After some minor conversation, Edwards responded to Dahmers request to look at his tropical fish. Dahmer attempted to cuff Edwards but was unsuccessful. Dahmer then told Edwards told accompany him to the bedroom to pose for nude photos. Dahmer then showed Edwards a knife and told him that he intended to take nude photos of him.

Edwards said that he would allow him to do so if he put the knife away and take the cuffs off. Edwards tried to keep Dahmer calm until he could get a chance to escape. He finally managed to escape and he flagged down two Milwaukee police officers.

When the officers arrived at the apartment Dahmer allowed them in. He acknowledged that he put handcuffs on Edwards but did not give an reason why. Edwards also told police that Dahmer brandished a large knife upon him and that this happened in the bedroom. Dahmer said nothing about this and told the police officers that the key to the handcuffs was in his bedside dresser. As one of the officers entered the bedroom, Dahmer tried to pass him to retrieve the key himself but was told to step back.

In the bedroom one of the officers observed a large knife next to the bed. And an open drawer. Upon closer inspection he found lots of photos of bodies in various stages of dismemberment. He showed it to his partner and told him this was real. Dahmer fought with police in order to resist arrest. The officers quickly overpowered him and cuffed his hands behind his back. A second squad car was called in for backup. At this point one of the officers opened the refrigerator to reveal a freshly severed head of a black male. As Dahmer laid pinned on the floor, he turned his head toward the officers and said, " for what I did I should be dead".

In the early hours of 23 July 1991, Dahmer was questioned by detective Patrick Kennedy. Dahmer waived his right to have a lawyer present at his interrogations as he said he wishes to confess all he did, as he had "created this horror and it only makes sense I do anything to put an end to it."

He admitted to the murder of 16 young man as well as engaging in necrophilla with several of his victims bodies. Dahmer also confessed that he consumed the hearts, livers, biceps and portions of thigh of three of his victims. ( Raymond Smith, Ernest Miller and Oliver Lacy).

On July 25th 1991, Dahmer was charged with 4 counts of murder. By August 22 he was charged with another 11 murders and on September 14, he was charged with the murder of his first victim. 

On February 17th, Dahmer was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 10 years for the first two counts. The remaining 13 counts carried a sentence to life imprisonment plus 70 years. The death penalty was not an option as they already stopped it.

Three months after his sentencing in Milwaukee, he was extradited to Ohio to be tried for the murder of his first victim. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a sixteenth term of life imprisonment. 

Upon sentencing Dahmer was transferred to Colombia correctional. Where he spend the first year in solitary confinement due to concerns for his safety. After a year with his consent he was moved to a less secure unit. 
Shortly after sentencing Dahmer requested a Bible. His request was granted and he gradually reformed to a born again Christian.

On the morning of 28 November 1994, Dahmer and to fellow inmates went to do their assigned work detail. They were left unsupervised in the showers for about 20 minutes. Dahmer was later found on the floor of the gym with severe head wounds. He was seriously bludgeoned. Although Dahmer was still alive and rushed to the hospital, he died an hour later.


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